The Fate of the Ruby Dragonshrine
Bring Dahlia Suntouch's Ruby Brooch to Krasus in the Ruling Council Chamber at Wyrmrest and inform him of Dahlia's fate.Ruby Brooch |
Ruby Brooch |
As you pick up the brooch, its faint glow brightens slightly.Krasus will want to know of Dahlia's fate. Take the brooch to him at Wyrmrest.
Also, you get:150Progress
Hello, <race>. I sense the presence of my Ruby Brooch. Hand it here.What has become of Dahlia?
Dahlia was taken by the Scourge? This is a sad day for all of us.I will look to finding a new keeper once the shrine is retaken. Thank you for your efforts... the Ruby Dragonshrine is a sacred place to us, and the sacrifices your kind have made will not be easily forgotten.
It is good to know there are still heroes such as you - I will call upon you one day. Until that day comes, may your adventures be fruitful.
Upon completion of quests, get:- 5250 experience (315at max. level)
- 350 Reputation withThe Wyrmrest Accord