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5. Spread the Good Word
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Spread the Good Word

Chief Plaguebringer Middleton at Venomspite in Dragonblight wants you to use the Forsaken Blight Spreader's Blight Bomb to destroy 30 Hungering Dead on the outskirts of the Carrion Fields.
Hungering Dead slain (30)


Before I can ship you off to Doctor Malefious with the good news, you will have to run a simple field test of the blight with the modifications I have made.

The hungering dead stream out from what remains of Old Wintergarde. Commandeer a vehicle from the east gate and drive it northeast through Vengeance Pass until you reach the twin towers at the southeastern edge of Wintergarde. Drop the blight bomb on the undead that cover the area. Report back to me with the results!


This test will be the final experiment in the series, <name>.


As much as it irritates me that we may have assisted the Alliance, I declare the field test a success! Next stop: Agmar's Hammer!


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