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Travel to Moa'ki Harbor

Travel to Moa'ki Harbor in the Dragonblight and speak with Elder Ko'nani.


<race>, word just came in off the boat from Moa'ki Harbor. Something very bad happened over there this morning!

You've been very helpful to us here. Would you consider using the boat to travel to the great Dragonblight?

By the sound of things, Elder Ko'nani could certainly use your assistance.


You can choose one of these awards:
Wandering Healer's Kilt
Durable Worghide Cape
Choker of the Northern Wind
Grips of the Windswept Plains


What's that you say, <race>? Anuniaq sent you?

Good, good... there's much to do. We can use all of the help that we can get!


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 2050 experience (123at max. level)
  • 10 Reputation withThe Kalu'ak



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