Avenge Iskaal
Elder Atuik wants you to go to Iskaal and slay 8 Northsea Slavers. Use the Horn of Kamagua should you need assistance.Crazed Northsea Slaver slain (8) |
Horn of Kamagua |
The totem of Issliruk is ready, <name>, and for that I thank you. We must cast our peaceful ways for the time being and strike at those who've attacked our land and our kin.The pirate slavers that raided Iskaal have lost their minds and slaughtered all their captives. Go to Iskaal, to the east of here and do what must must be done. Take this horn and call on my brethren should you need assistance.
Have you done what I asked of you, <name>?Completion
You are a formidable ally, <name>. My people will forever be in your debt.Gains
Upon completion of quests, get:- 20100 experience (126at max. level)
- 350 Reputation withThe Kalu'ak