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5. Where the Wild Things Roam
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Where the Wild Things Roam

Soar Hawkfury at Agmar's Hammer in the Dragonblight wants you to use the Pack of Vaccine to vaccinate 5 Snowfall Elk and 5 Arctic Grizzlies.
Snowfall Elk Inoculated (5)
Arctic Grizzly Inoculated (5)
Provided Item:
Pack of Vaccine


Inside this pack are several vials containing the vaccine that Sintar created. I now want you to search the nearby woods for Snowfall elk and arctic grizzlies. When you locate the animals, find a safe distance and throw a vial in their general direction. The vial will shatter and release a fine gas that will act as the inoculating agent. The beasts merely have to step inside the gas and they will be vaccinated - ultimately saved.

Inoculate as many of the beasts as you can and return to me.


You can choose one of these awards:
Battleworn Magnataur Crusher
Crossbow of the Hardened Ranger
Moonrest Garden Stave
Keen Woodland Shank
Spiked Coldwind Club
Staff of Ruby Wood
Also, you get:530


You must protect the wildlife from the Scourge contagion!


You have done an honorable thing, <name>. Please, choose a reward.


Upon completion of quests, get:


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