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3. In Search of the Ruby Lilac
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In Search of the Ruby Lilac

Doctor Sintar Malefious at Agmar's Hammer in the Dragonblight wants you to collect 1 Ruby Lilac.
Ruby Lilac


How fortuitous it is that the Ruby Dragonshrine lays just to the east. It is there that you will find a flower called the ruby lilac. This lifegiving plant is all that I need to concoct a vaccine for the untainted beasts of this region.

Travel east and search the Ruby Dragonshrine for the lilac.

Just one thing: The dragonshrine, like all the dragonshrines in this blasted wasteland, is beset by the Scourge. Watch your step. We wouldn't want you to be devoured by an emberwyrm.

<Sintar laughs.>


Do you have the ruby lilac?


That wasn't so difficult, now was it?

Now give me a moment to prepare the vaccine.


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