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3. The Hunt is On
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The Hunt is On

Vindicator Yaala wants you to use the Oculus of the Exorcist in three different locations in Valiance Keep to uncover and defeat Cult of the Damned members.
Cultist in docks defeated
Cultist in jail defeated
Cultist in kitchen defeated
Provided Item:
Oculus of the Exorcist


I've made it my business to learn as much as possible about the vile death cult, including their secret language.

Vurenn was right. The cultists mention disguised operatives in various locations in Valiance Keep: the lower docks, the jail inside the inner hold and in the inn's kitchen.

Take this oculus. Use it at those three locations - anyone that has recently used the cult's necromancy will be enshrouded by a dark aura. Take care of the cultists before something nefarious happens.


You can choose one of these awards:
Transborean Leggings
Marshwalker Pauldrons
Tundrastrider Ringmail
Mightstone Helm


Have you accomplished the task I asked of you, <name>?


You've done well, <name>. However, I can't shake the feeling that this is not the last we've seen of these death cultists.

Darkness has a way of hiding even in plain sight.


Upon completion of quests, get:


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