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1. Enemies of the Light
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Enemies of the Light

Harbinger Vurenn wants you to fight the Cultist Necrolytes near Farshire to the north of Valiance Keep and retrieve the Cultist Communique from them.
Cultist Communique


Not so fast there. I don't know about you, <class>, but I was hardly convinced by the general's words. They rung unsure... as if they were not his own.

Something's amiss here. All of our efforts to collaborate have been blocked and delayed. It is time we took a more independent approach.

If we're to learn more about the cultists inside the keep... perhaps we should investigate those outside.

Intelligence reports a small group of them aiding the Scourge north of here. See if they carry any clues.


You can choose one of these awards:
Marshwalker Legguards
Tundrastrider Coif
Mightstone Breastplate
Harbinger's Wrath


You're back, <name>.


Be discreet, <name>. We cannot look at this evidence in front of prying eyes.


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