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Finding Pilot Tailspin

Locate Iggy "Tailspin" Cogtoggle in the Geyser Fields.


I should've flown the mission myself. It's not that I don't trust Tailspin. Far from it. Heck, he was the best wingman I ever flew with.

No, it's just that it's my responsibility to lead a mission of such import.

I sent Tailspin out with our fastest recon squadron to gather information about the Nerubian infestation in the middle of the Geyser Fields.

The last report we received placed his squadron in the pools to the far south and just west of the Nerubian sinkholes.

Find Tailspin, <name>.


Thank goodness. It was terrible.

There was a bright flash on the ground, and then, the next thing I know, the squadron's going down! I'm hurt pretty badly, so I haven't had a chance to comb the site for other survivors, but something tells me I don't think there will be many.

<Iggy grimaces in pain.>

Will you help me complete my mission?


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