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3. Re-Cursive
Open Quests
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Jinky Wingnut at Fizzcrank Airstrip has asked you to use the Re-Cursive Transmatter Injection on 6 Fizzcrank Mechagnomes.
Fizzcrank Gnome cursed & ported (6)
Provided Item:
Re-Cursive Transmatter Injection


If you listened to the old man, then you know that we have gnomes out there that were changed. Gearmaster Mechazod infected them with something that reversed the "Curse of the Flesh", and now they're robots!

We think we have a way to re-curse them back to normal. We want you to take this re-cursive transmatter injection and use it on the corpses of any mechagnomes you come across.

We're hoping that this stuff will cure them and allow us to lock onto them to port 'em out of there.

Whaddya say, <name>?


You can choose one of these awards:
Layered Frost Hood
Rhinohide Wristwraps
Spiked Magmoth Gloves
Chilled Pauldrons
Also, you get:470


How many mechagnomes did you manage to re-curse, <class>?


You did it... it worked!

I can't believe you were able to save so many. We're fortunate to have you around here!


Upon completion of quests, get:


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