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2. Fueling the Project
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Fueling the Project

Abner Fizzletorque at Fizzcrank Airstrip wants you to collect 8 Barrels of Oil using the Portable Oil Collector.
Barrels of Oil Collected (8)
Portable Oil Collector
Provided Item:
Portable Oil Collector


I plan to build a machine that will collapse the tunnels the Scourge is using to deploy their Nerubians, but with the main drilling rig out of order, we'll have to collect the fuel for the device some other way.

Out in the Geyser Fields to the southeast, small pools of oil bubble up away from the main rig. If you can collect enough of the oil from those pools, I can make a crude fuel to power the machine.

Simply deploy the collector near the rig, and it will pump and store the oil in its tank.


Also, you get:470


Do you have that fuel?


<Abner sets about draining the fuel tank of the collector.>

Distilling this by hand is going to be messy, but I'll have it taken care of soon. In the meantime, we'll need one more material to complete the machine.


Upon completion of quests, get:


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