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1. Scouting the Sinkholes
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Scouting the Sinkholes

Abner Fizzletorque at Fizzcrank Airstrip wants you to use the Map of the Geyser Fields to mark the locations of the South Sinkhole, the Northwest Sinkhole, and the Northeast Sinkhole.
Mark Location of South Sinkhole
Mark Location of Northeast Sinkhole
Mark Location of Northwest Sinkhole
Map of the Geyser Fields
Provided Item:
Map of the Geyser Fields


Fizzcrank sent out an aerial surveillance team to map the Nerubian sinkholes in the southern part of the Geyser Fields, but they haven't yet returned. I can't afford to wait any longer for their information, so I'm going to need someone to check out the sinkholes on foot.

I understand the dangers involved, and I'll compensate you accordingly. Take this map with you and record the vital information about each of the sinkholes you encounter out there.


Also, you get:940


Have you marked the locations of the sinkholes?


<Abner accepts the map from you, then examines it closely.>

Great! This is all the information we need to begin the operation.


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