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1. Sage Highmesa is Missing
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Sage Highmesa is Missing

Find Sage Highmesa near the Dens of Dying.


There are many new mysteries walking the lands now. One of our sages, Highmesa, has foolishly gone north with only one longrunner to investigate something strange near the Dens of Dying.

What are the dens, you ask? They are a sacred place to the magnataur, where they go in their old age to die. She saw something fall from the sky near them a few days ago.

If you would be friend to the taunka, I would have you find and help her. She is not so stubborn that she will not accept your aid.


The greatmother sent you. She must be disappointed in me.

But when I saw the great object fall from the sky, I could not wait for a full group of longrunners and snow trackers to accompany me. Knowledge waits for no one.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 2000 experience (120at max. level)
  • 10 Reputation withThe Taunka


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