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2. Return to Atuik
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Return to Atuik

Deliver the bad news to Elder Atuik at Kamagua.


Return to Elder Atuik at Kamagua. He and the rest of my people must be warned of this impending doom that approaches from the sea.

<Orfus shivers.>

Use the Ancient Lift to reach him. Please hurry!


You can choose one of these awards:
Horn of the Herald
Mender of the Oncoming Dawn
Fury of the Encroaching Storm
Also, you get:1410


The Kalu'ak thank you for all that you have done, <name>. We must now prepare for battle and warn our brothers and sisters across the sea of what is to come.

I hope it is not too late...


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 30150 experience (189at max. level)
  • 500 Reputation withThe Kalu'ak


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