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2. Learning to Communicate
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Learning to Communicate

King Mrgl-Mrgl has given you a conch to use upon Scalder's remains. Return The King's Filled Conch to him at Winterfin Retreat.
The King's Filled Conch
Provided Item:
The King's Empty Conch
The following spell will be cast on you:
Water Breathing


To help, you must learn how to speak the Winterfin dialect. We'll work with the forces of nature and magic to do that.

Take this empty conch shell. At the bottom of the watery trench below exists Scalder, an elemental of air and watery fury.

Once she is defeated, use the conch upon her remains to capture her magical steam. Return the full conch to me, and I'll imbue my knowledge of the Winterfin tongue into you.

Luckily, a friend taught me a water breathing spell, which I will cast upon you.


Also, you get:470


Have you managed to fill the conch with Scalder's steam?


Now I will be able to use Scalder's essence to impart my understanding of the Winterfin murloc tongue to you.


Upon completion of quests, get:


Rating: 0 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 2016/01/02 (Patch 4.3.4)
Az itemet a hullájára nyomd ne az élőre mint a videóban és kész is.


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