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Keymaster Urmgrgl

Glrglrglr inside the Winterfin Caverns has asked you to retrieve Urmgrgl's Key.
Urmgrgl's Key


I have to get out of these caverns! There's magic stuff seeping in from Coldarra, above, and affecting everyone's minds.

I don't intend to be controlled like these others!

Keymaster Urmgrgl is in the cave below and to the south. He holds the key to my cage. Get it from him and bring it back so that I can unlock my cage and get out of here.



Also, you get:470


Do you have the key?

No, I don't care about any of these others. I just want to get out of here!


Quickly, hand it here!


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 20100 experience (126at max. level)


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