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Quick Facts
  • Level: 71
  • Requires level: 69
  • Side: Both
  • Start: Mrmrglmr
  • Sharable
3. Grmmurggll Mrllggrl Glrggl!!!
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Grmmurggll Mrllggrl Glrggl!!!

Mrmrglmr wants you to return to him at Winterfin Retreat with Glrggl's Head.
Glrggl's Head


If your pathetic little eyes were any good, you'd see that we're being slaughtered by the orcas to the north in the bay!

Assuming your precious night elf king wants his spare costume back, I think you'll do me a favor and bring back the head of the king of the orcas, Glrggl: he who swims against the tides of fate -- eradicating the hope of life for all those who hear the siren song of death upon the waves!

Be quick about it, <race>, Winterfin murlocs are losing their lives even as we waste time talking!


Also, you get:470


If you don't have Glrggl's head, don't waste my time!


Not bad. This will make a nice feast!

With the king of the orcas dead the attacks upon us should diminish while the whales fight amongst themselves for dominance.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 20100 experience (126at max. level)


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