I'm Being Blackmailed By My Cleaner
King Mrgl-Mrgl has asked you to speak with Mrmrglmr at the northwest end of Winterfin Retreat.Description
I have something embarrassing to admit: I'm being blackmailed!Mrmrglmr agreed to clean some of my things, and got hold of my spare murloc costume. He's threatening to reveal my true nature to the other murlocs.
I need not explain to you what a disaster that would be! Besides, I have a plan that's going to require that we get that costume back.
Please, <name>, go to Mrmrglmr at the other end of the Retreat to the north and do whatever he asks of you.
Aw, so you must be the so-called King Mrgl-Mrgl's lackey. I suppose that night elf has sent you to appease me?Good, I have just the thing that needs doing for someone as powerful as you!
Upon completion of quests, get:- 2000 experience (120at max. level)