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2. News From the East
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News From the East

Speak with Captain Adams at Westguard Keep.


Westguard needs to know what's going on here, <name>. I want you to personally deliver the news to Captain Adams.

Whenever you're ready, let me know and I'll put you back in the construct for one final flight. It'll take you to Westguard Keep, but more than likely blow up in the process.

It's been a pleasure...


You can choose one of these awards:
Munificent Bulwark
Tome of Alacrity


Wonderful... As if having the Scourge all up our you-know-whats wasn't enough, now we got some angry ancient titan construct to deal with!

I'll need some time to chew on this information, <race>. In the meantime there's plenty of work that needs doing here.


Upon completion of quests, get:


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