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Quick Facts
  • Level: 71
  • Requires level: 68
  • Side: Alliance
  • Start: Walt
  • End: Walt
  • Sharable
1. Lightning Infused Relics
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Lightning Infused Relics

Walt at the Explorers' League Outpost in the Howling Fjord wants you to use the Iron Rune Construct's Collect Data ability to collect 15 sets of Iron Rune Data.

Dismiss your construct by dismissing it from the pet window once you have completed the quest.
Iron Rune Data Collected (15)


Your construct is ready to go. All abilities have been given a once over and I've programmed the machine to both comprehend and speak the language of the titans.

Take the construct to Baelgun's Excavation Site, due south of here, and collect data from the lightning infused relics that litter the site. Remember to bluff any iron dwarves that suspect your construct to be a fake. And don't forget about rocket jumping from rune to rune to get around in there!

Get on the table when you're ready!


You can choose one of these awards:
Crystalline Star
Shock-Resistant Hood
Banded Chain Gloves
Munificent Legguards
Also, you get:1410




And once again Walt proves that he is indeed the top dwarf! What do you think of my construct now, Lebronski!

Thank you, <name>. This data will undoubtedly prove to be invaluable - as soon as I figure out how to get it out of the construct.


Upon completion of quests, get:


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