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4. Drop It then Rock It!
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Drop It then Rock It!

Lieutenant Icehammer in the Howling Fjord wants you to place the Alliance Banner in Baleheim and then defend the banner against attackers.

Return to Lieutenant Icehammer with the Alliance Banner should you survive.
Alliance Banner Placed
Provided Item:
Alliance Banner


I'm not about to put the fate of this mission into the hands of some untested scrub.

Now, if you want to prove to me that you've got what it takes to carry out this mission, you'll need to do what I tell you.

Take this battle standard and head over to Baleheim, directly north of here. Once you're at Baleheim, find the center of town and drop our flag. Fight off any vrykul dirt bags that attempt to take down our beloved flag and return to me once you've established Alliance dominance!


Still alive, I see. Clearly you're not trying hard enough.


For the Alliance! You're a strong one, <name>. Strong enough to crack some vrykul skull at Nifflevar.


Upon completion of quests, get:


Rating: 0 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 2014/08/18 (Patch 4.3.4)
Megvédtem a zászlót és nem történt semmi, nem lett kész a quest.
Rating: 0 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 2014/11/15 (Patch 4.3.4)
Nekem is ugyanez van
Rating: 0 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 2015/05/21 (Patch 4.3.4)
Leraktam a tábortűz mellé a zászlót, keményen 1 db NPC támadt meg és miután megöltem ki is írta hogy Complete


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