It Goes to 11...
Lieutenant Icehammer in the Howling Fjord wants you to destroy the Dragonflayer Longhouse, Dragonflayer Dockhouse, Dragonflayer Storage Facility and 8 Dragonflayer Defenders.Return the Harpoon Control Mechanism to him once the task is complete.
Dragonflayer Defender slain (8) | |
Dragonflayer Longhouse Destroyed | |
Dragonflayer Dockhouse Destroyed | |
Dragonflayer Installation III slain | |
Harpoon Control Mechanism |
Harpoon Control Mechanism |
We must strike while the vrykul forces are in disarray! Take the harpoon control mechanism to Nifflevar and locate the northernmost harpoon building on the bluff side of the village.Once there, commandeer one of the vrykul harpoon guns that are stationed on the building's deck. Use the harpoon gun to rain hell upon Wyrmskull Village! Destroy the longhouse, dockhouse, storage facility and any defenders that the vrykul may send at you!
Do this and Daggercap Bay will become a much safer port!
You can choose one of these awards:Frost-Trimmed Gauntlets | Azure Chain Hauberk | Ramshorn-Inlaid Shoulders | Runed Clamshell Choker |
Is Wyrmskull up in flames?Completion
Excellent work, <name>! You took out a good chunk of their dragon riders and really pissed off their leadership.Are you ready to head back to Valgarde and report the good news to Zorek? If so, I've got a crazy idea!
Upon completion of quests, get:- 25150 experience (159at max. level)
- 350 Reputation withValiance Expedition
Maga a quest teljesíthető, de kissé macerás. A szigony nagyon keveset sebez (430-560), úgyhogy egy ideig üldögélni kell vele. Az épületekre több lövedéket is ki kellett lőnöm, hogy megadja, és nem is jöttem rá a pontos működésre, de az a része is teljesíthető. Épület elpusztítása után több sárkánylovas is megjelenik, ilyenkor érdemes azokat megölni akikkel combatben vagy, aztán kiszállni, megvárni amíg a kilövő regenerálja magát (csak pár másodperc), majd visszaszállva folytatni a műveletet.