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Burn Skorn, Burn!

The Westguard Sergeant has orders that you should use the Sergeant's Torch to set fire to the Northeast and Northwest Longhouses and the Barracks at Skorn.
Northwest Longhouse Set Ablaze
Northeast Longhouse Set Ablaze
Barracks Set Ablaze
Provided Item:
Sergeant's Torch


Captain Adams gave me strict instructions to make sure that a good deal of infrastructure damage was inflicted on this site.

However, since you're in charge out here, that's at your discretion, sir .

May I suggest that we burn down the two longhouses and the barracks that are in the lower area of Skorn? All we have to do is get inside each and throw this torch.


Also, you get:470


May I suggest that when we set the buildings ablaze, we not tarry too long inside of them?


Very good, sir . That couldn't have been done without your help.

I'm sure that the captain will be pleased with my report on the matter once we're done here.


Upon completion of quests, get:



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