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1. Grim(oire) Business
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Grim(oire) Business

Collect Vim'gol's Vile Grimoire.
Vim'gol's Vile Grimoire
Suggested Players [5]


There is one more gronn to be slain: Skulloc Soulgrinder. He keeps himself hidden away, but there is a way to coax him forth.

He was trained by an ogre warlock known as Vim'gol the Vile, whose grimoire you must retrieve!

Vim'gol must be summoned by standing within a fire ring at his circle. Find Vim'gol's Circle in the mountains, to the northeast, near the Broken Wilds.


Also, you get:880


Have you summoned forth Vim'gol the Vile and taken the grimoire from his dead clutches?


I hesitate to even touch such a tainted thing of evil. Yet read it we must if we are to glean what knowledge it contains and bring forth Skulloc from his hiding place.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 19000 experience (1140at max. level)


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