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Maggoc's Treasure Chest

Collect Maggoc's Treasure Chest.
Maggoc's Treasure Chest
Suggested Players [5]


On the Razor Ridge, above and to the southeast, Maggoc patrols. His father assigned him as the warden of the eastern mountain range, and he revels in terrorizing any creature that gets in his way.

As a son of Gruul, he must be done away with if my clan is to survive. That's where you come in.

Maggoc carries a treasure chest with him at all times. Prove to me that he has been slain by bringing me his precious chest. Feel free to keep whatever you find within it.


Also, you get:880


Do you have the chest?


You say it was empty? Unfortunate, but you can see the mindless brutality that we're up against.

With the fall of Maggoc, we are one step closer to realizing my dream of a home for the ogres where we can determine our own destiny.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 19000 experience (1140at max. level)


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