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3. Grulloc Has Two Skulls
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Grulloc Has Two Skulls

Collect Grulloc's Dragon Skull.
Grulloc's Dragon Skull
Suggested Players [5]


To the east, at the terminus of Dragons' End, is the Cursed Hollow. Therein, Grulloc, son of Gruul, plots his dimwitted schemes.

I heard that one of his possessions was stolen from him through trickery. Was that you? Unfortunate that he was not slain in the process.

If we are to regain our freedom, I would have you take his most prized possession, a dragon skull from when he rejoiced in his father's slaying of the black dragonflight. The only way you'll get the skull is to vanquish him.


Also, you get:880


Is Grulloc no more?


Indeed, it must have been a difficult struggle, <class>. I feel greatly relieved now that he will not be breathing down our necks here.

I will send this skull down to Chort for safekeeping. I'm beginning to think that with your help, we might just pull this off.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 19000 experience (1140at max. level)


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