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Darkmoon Faire

A carnival that showcases the weird and the extraordinary, located on a mysterious island only accessible for the first week of every month.

The Darkmoon Faire is a mysterious traveling carnival, which roams not only Azeroth but Outland as well. Led by the inimitable Silas Darkmoon, a gnome of dubious heritage and unknown providence, the Faire brings fun, games, prizes, and exotic trinkets of unexpected power to Mulgore, Elwynn Forest, or Terokkar each month.

A variety of amusements can be had by the discerning fairegoer, but the most common attraction is the ticket redemption. A variety of merchants at the Faire collect items from around the worlds in exchange for [Darkmoon Faire Prize Ticket]. The tickets can, in turn, be saved up and turned in for prizes of varying worth and power. Several different ticket distributors are posted around the Faire, offering tickets for crafted items made by Leatherworkers, Blacksmiths, or Engineers as well as items gathered in the wild such as [Evil Bat Eye] and [Glowing Scorpid Blood]. Tickets can be redeemed for many things, from flowers to hold in the off-hand to necklaces of great power.

Many adventurers seek out the Darkmoon Faire to turn in the mystical Darkmoon Cards. Darkmoon Cards come in eight suits, each of which has cards from Ace to Eight. Combining all cards in a suit produces a deck, which will start a quest to return that deck to the Darkmoon Faire. Each of the eight decks produces a different trinket with a different effect, some of which are quite powerful.

The Darkmoon Faire's usual schedule has it arriving on site on the first Friday of the month. For the weekend, the carnies will be seen setting up the midway, and the Faire will actually start early on the following Monday.


Arakkoa Visitor60 - 67A HHumanoid
Baby5A HBeast
<Replica Armor Prizes>
55A HHumanoid
<Replica Armor Prizes>
55A HHumanoid
Binti60A HBeast
Burth60A HHumanoid
Careless Carnie25A HHumanoid
Carl Goodup
<Balloon Vendor>
20A HHumanoid
Christopher Lesson25A HHumanoid
<He Who Never Forgets!>
55A HHumanoid
Crush80A HBeast
Daenrand Dawncrest
<Heirloom Prizes>
55A HHumanoid
Darkmoon Carnie25A HHumanoid
Darkmoon Fortune Teller60A HHumanoid
Darkmoon Penguin1A HBeast
Darkmoon Slime1A HUncategorized
Elder Daftusk74 - 79A HUncategorized
A HBeast
Flik4A HHumanoid
Flik's Frog5A HBeast
Frenzyheart Visitor71 - 80A HUncategorized
Gargantua70A HBeast
Gelvas Grimegate
<Souvenir & Toy Prizes>
25A HHumanoid
<The Untamable>
60A HBeast
Goldwing80A HBeast
Hornsley8A HBeast
Injured Carnie25A HHumanoid
Jubjub5A HBeast
Jumbina1A HBeast
Jumbo70A HBeast
Jumbo Jr.15A HBeast
Kerri Hicks
<The Strongest Woman Alive!>
85A HHumanoid
Khaz Modan Ram5A HBeast
King Leo60A HBeast
<The Dancing Bear>
10A HBeast
Korgol Crushskull
<The Pit Master>
85A HHumanoid
Kruban Darkblade
<Darkmoon Faire Barker>
30A HHumanoid
<Please Avoid Eye Contact>
60A HBeast
<Pet & Mount Prizes>
35A HHumanoid
Lion85A HBeast
Lizzy60A HBeast
<The Little Prince>
60A HBeast
Mabaka60A HBeast
Maxima Blastenheimer
<Darkmoon Faire Cannoneer>
35A HHumanoid
Melnan Darkstone
<Darkmoon Faire Barker>
30A HHumanoid
Morja12A HHumanoid
Oracle Visitor70 - 80A HHumanoid
Professor Thaddeus Paleo
<Darkmoon Cards>
35A HHumanoid
Pygmy Cockatrice1A HBeast
Pygmy Cockatrice1A HBeast
Queen Savannah60A HBeast
Rinling55A HHumanoid
Sayge55A HHumanoid
Sazz Coincatcher
<Game Tokens>
25A HHumanoid
Selina Dourman
<Darkmoon Faire Information>
30A HHumanoid
Shingo60A HBeast
Silas Darkmoon61
A HHumanoid
Stamp Thunderhorn
<Food Vendor>
35A HHumanoid
Steven Stagnaro
<Fishing Trainer>
35A HHumanoid
<Drink Vendor>
35A HHumanoid
Tatia Brine
<Fishing Supplies>
35A HHumanoid
Teleportologist Fozlebub
<Gone Fishin'>
55A HHumanoid
Trixi Sharpworth
<Game Tokens>
25A HHumanoid
Urefu60A HBeast
Violet70A HBeast
Yebb Neblegear55A HHumanoid
Zina Sharpworth
<Game Tokens>
25A HHumanoid


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