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Quick Facts
  • Level: 55
  • Class: Normal
  • React: A H
  • Health: 0
  • Related:
    • Baruma
  • Damage: 1 - 1
  • Armor: 3,201
WowheadWowhead Bug reportBug report

Baruma <Replica Armor Prizes>

Npc Map not available, NPC may be spawned via a script


6060343FeetMail Armor55
6060406HeadMail Armor75
6060312HandsMail Armor55
6060499ChestMail Armor75
6060513FeetPlate Armor55
6060FeetMail Armor55
6060747ChestPlate Armor75
6060HeadMail Armor75
6060213FeetLeather Armor55
6060251HeadLeather Armor75
6060193HandsLeather Armor55
6060309ChestLeather Armor75
6060167HeadCloth Armor75
6060205Cloth Armor75
6060141FeetCloth Armor55
6060128HandsCloth Armor55
6060213FeetLeather Armor55
6060251HeadLeather Armor75
6060193HandsLeather Armor55
6060309ChestLeather Armor75
6060467HandsPlate Armor55
6060HandsMail Armor55
6060607HeadPlate Armor75
6060141FeetCloth Armor55
6060167HeadCloth Armor75
6060128HandsCloth Armor55
6060205Cloth Armor75
6060513FeetPlate Armor55
6060747ChestPlate Armor75
6060467HandsPlate Armor55
6060607HeadPlate Armor75
6060ChestMail Armor75
6060167HeadCloth Armor75
6060128HandsCloth Armor55
6060205Cloth Armor75
6060141FeetCloth Armor55
6560233WaistMail Armor55
6560182WristMail Armor55
6560311ShoulderMail Armor75
6660366LegsMail Armor75
6560346WaistPlate Armor55
6560WristMail Armor55
6560269WristPlate Armor55
6560WaistMail Armor55
6560147WaistLeather Armor55
6560114WristLeather Armor55
6660230LegsLeather Armor75
6560195ShoulderLeather Armor75
656099WaistCloth Armor55
656077WristCloth Armor55


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