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Quick Facts
  • Level: 55
  • Class: Normal
  • React: A H
  • Health: 0
  • Related:
    • Barum
  • Damage: 1 - 1
  • Armor: 3,201
WowheadWowhead Bug reportBug report

Barum <Replica Armor Prizes>

Npc Map not available, NPC may be spawned via a script


5853222WaistMail Armor55
5752172WristMail Armor55
5954274FeetMail Armor55
6257330HeadMail Armor75
5954249HandsMail Armor55
6055301ShoulderMail Armor75
6156353LegsMail Armor75
6358409ChestMail Armor75
5853334WaistPlate Armor55
5752172WristMail Armor55
5954274FeetMail Armor55
5954410FeetPlate Armor55
5752258WristPlate Armor55
6358609ChestPlate Armor75
6257330HeadMail Armor75
5853222WaistMail Armor55
585390WaistCloth Armor55
575269WristCloth Armor55
6257137HeadCloth Armor75
5954101HandsCloth Armor55
6055123ShoulderCloth Armor75
6358171Cloth Armor75
5954112FeetCloth Armor55
6156146LegsCloth Armor75
585390WaistCloth Armor55
575269WristCloth Armor55
6156146LegsCloth Armor75
6055123ShoulderCloth Armor75
6257137HeadCloth Armor75
6358171Cloth Armor75
5954112FeetCloth Armor55
5954101HandsCloth Armor55
5954249HandsMail Armor55
5954373HandsPlate Armor55
6257492HeadPlate Armor75
6156353LegsMail Armor75
6156527LegsPlate Armor75
5853334WaistPlate Armor55
5954410FeetPlate Armor55
5752258WristPlate Armor55
6358609ChestPlate Armor75
5954373HandsPlate Armor55
6257492HeadPlate Armor75
6156527LegsPlate Armor75
6055450ShoulderPlate Armor75
585390WaistCloth Armor55
575269WristCloth Armor55
5954112FeetCloth Armor55
6257137HeadCloth Armor75
5954101HandsCloth Armor55


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  • Do not report bugs here. Use our Bug Tracker instead.
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