This quest was marked obsolete and cannot be obtained or completed.
Jol wants you to resurrect a Young Furbolg Shaman with the Symbol of Life and return to her.Young Furbolg Shaman Resurrected [Symbol of Life] |
Symbol of Life |
Your task then. <name>. is to aid our new allies. the Stillpine furbolgs.Several of the younger Stillpine shaman stumbled across a Bristlebark camp and were slaughtered to the last. Make sure the Young Furbolg Shaman is ok.
The Bristlebark camp is located to the east of the road just after you cross the bridge spanning Azuremyst and Bloodmyst Isle. Speak with me when you have done this.
You will learn:Redemption |
All life is worth saving, if it does not oppose us. Only our enemies should be laid to rest permanently.Completion
who.....who are you? .....Jol? Yes! Praise the Light! We are ok thanks to the forces Jol sent us to help in our battles. Yes I am fine...although I cannot say the same about my brothers....Gains
Upon completion of quests, get:- 3875 experience (93at max. level)