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Quick Facts
  • Level: 12
  • Requires level: 12
  • Side: Draenei
  • Start: Jol
  • End: Jol
  • Class: Paladin
2. Redemption
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Study the Tome of Divinity and speak with Jol.
Tome of Divinity
Provided Item:
Tome of Divinity


I am responsible for putting paladins on the path to greater virtue as they devote themselves to the Light and defend our people from threats.

The time has come for you to take your first step towards being truly virtuous. If you accept it. I will give you a tome of divinity. In studying it, you shall learn some about the Light, and what is expected of you. If you understand it, and are capable, then you will succeed in attaining greater abilities.


Welcome back. <name>.


You've spent time reading the book. I hope?

Then you should be prepared to have yourself tested. There are always tasks to be done in the wake of the Exodar's crash throughout these new lands: acts of compassion and understanding...people who need help...creatures to slay...

By proving you have the patience to help others, especially those who are less fortunate, you prove that you are a servant of the Light and of sound mind.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 1937.5 experience (4650at max. level)



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