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3. Call of Fire
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Call of Fire

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Speak with Farseer Nobundo at the Crystal Hall in the Exodar.


I am thankful that you have chosen the difficult path of the shaman. Few enough do, but I foresee it as critical to our future that we learn shamanism from the Broken.

They are called that, but once they were draenei. Fel magics transformed them, and that is why they cannot call upon the power of the Light. Some disapprove of them and the shamanism they teach, but they are not evil.

I wish you to speak with Farseer Nobundo. He is the wisest shaman I know and you will learn much with his guidance.


You will receive:
Fire Totem
You will learn:
Searing Totem


Greetings. It is always heartening to meet a <race> who is open to the way of shamanism. There are so few.

You have learned not to judge the flame for its outward appearance, just as you should not judge mine.

You are here because you are ready to create your fire totem.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 3900 experience (2340at max. level)



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