Call of Fire
This quest was marked obsolete and cannot be obtained or completed.
Speak with Temper at Emberglade on Azuremyst Isle.Description
Once again you are to be tested, and this time the chaotic element of fire must be understood if you're to create a totem to harness its energies.To the northeast on the coast is a sacred place of fire known as Emberglade. Amidst its burned trees stands Temper, a fire elemental of great power, and the one that you must speak with.
Go to him now and may the elemental spirits of Azeroth go with you.
I trust that the burning I see behind your eyes is from a desire to grow and understand? Good!Tuluun has sent you here because he sees your potential to both learn and help with a problem that the crash of your Exodar has caused.
We shall see.
Upon completion of quests, get:- 15500 experience (93at max. level)