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The Waters of Teldrassil

Bring the Filled Vessel to Corithras Moonrage at the crossroads in front of Darnassus.
Filled Vessel
Provided Item:
Filled Vessel


Our tasks are done here for now. This water proved to be of great importance, but it wasn't originally meant for me. Go ahead and bring it back to Corithras at the crossroads, I'm sure he'd like you to deliver it to its original destination.


You can choose one of these awards:
Verdigris Leggings
Grassy Bindings
Thicket Hammer
Ashwood Bow


It is good to see you again. I sense that Tarindrella's task went smoothly with you by her side.


Thank you for returning to me so swiftly. I have but one last task to ask of you. Shall we?


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 900 experience (1080at max. level)
  • 350 Reputation withDarnassus


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