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Home of the Kaldorei

Bring the Filled Vessel to Tyrande Whisperwind in Darnassus.
Filled Vessel
Provided Item:
Filled Vessel


It has been an undeniable honor to have met you. You are a testament to the nobility of your race.

Go now and finish this final task. Take the waters to Tyrande Whisperwind in Darnassus.


Also, you get:4


How fare you, young one?


Ah, the blessed waters from our moonwells. You have borne witness to the Spirit of the Kaldorei, then?

In recent times, I've come to find that the spirit offers more questions than it does answers, but such is the continuing nature of discovery that drives us in our darkest hours.

I will offer you the simplest answers that I can. Malfurion has returned to me... to us... but harsh times are yet upon us. Staghelm is gone and the world is wracked with pain - Malfurion has much to mend, and he will need help.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 900 experience (1080at max. level)
  • 250 Reputation withDarnassus


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