Darkmoon Beast Deck
Return the Beast Deck to the Darkmoon Faire when it comes to town.Beasts Deck |
Beasts Deck |
Now that you have gathered all of the Beast cards together into a deck, a ninth card mysteriously appears with the same backing as the first eight. On this card is inscribed, "Return these cards to the Darkmoon Faire and be rewarded." You have heard that this faire alternately stops at Mulgore and Goldshire every few months, so you will have to wait until they are here next.Reward
You will receive:Darkmoon Card: Blue Dragon |
Oh dear.Completion
Well this explains a lot. If you ever find a way into Ahn'Qiraj, keep an eye out for ol' Brann. I'm afraid that he'll be powerless without his monkey.Gains
Upon completion of quests, get:- 150 Reputation withDarkmoon Faire