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Quick Facts
  • Level: 10
  • Requires level: 10
  • Side: Both
4. Return to Lewis
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Return to Lewis

This quest was marked obsolete and cannot be obtained or completed.

Buy a gryphon ride to Sentinel Hill from the gryphon master Dungar Longdrink, then take Osric's Crate to Lewis at Sentinel Hill.
Osric's Crate
Provided Item:
Osric's Crate


The gryphon master in Westfall is Thor. If you've spoken to him before, then you can take one of my gryphons to him.

That's a good lesson to know: gryphons are always trained to fly to their capital city, but they'll only take you to a remote gryphon master after you've already been there.

You've already been to Thor, so just speak with me again when you're ready to take a gryphon to Westfall. Once there, you can deliver Osric's Crate to Quartermaster Lewis.


Also, you get:350


You're back from Stormwind? Did Osric send the armor?


Great, you brought the armor! We'll get this divvied to those who need it immediately.

Thank you, <name>. Your efforts have been a great help to us. And now that you're no stranger to gryphons, I hope you'll come and lend your aid to Sentinel Hill often!


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 1100 experience (660at max. level)
  • 350 Reputation withStormwind


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