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Quick Facts
  • Level: 10
  • Requires level: 10
  • Side: Both
3. Dungar Longdrink
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Dungar Longdrink

This quest was marked obsolete and cannot be obtained or completed.

Bring Osric's Crate to Dungar Longdrink the gryphon master.
Osric's Crate
Provided Item:
Osric's Crate


<name>, I gathered into this crate everything Lewis asked for. Can you take it to him?

If you've already spoken to Thor in Westfall, then you can take a gryphon back to him. Dungar Longdrink is our gryphon master, over in the trade district.

Speak with Dungar, then get this crate to Lewis as fast as you can. We don't want our fighting men and women in Westfall to go without fresh equipment!


Is that sweat on your brow, lad? You've been running too much. Next time, take a gryphon!


A crate for Westfall, eh? Have you been to Westall before? If so, then it's no problem, my friend. I have plenty of gryphons trained to fly that route!


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 200 experience (120at max. level)
  • 25 Reputation withStormwind



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