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Consecrated Rune

Read the Consecrated Rune and speak to Bromos Grummner in Anvilmar.
Consecrated Rune
Provided Item:
Consecrated Rune


<name>, this rune was given to me to pass on to ye. Take some time to read it when ye have a chance. I'm thinkin' it came from the paladin trainer Bromos. Take a gander at it and go find him inside Anvilmar.


Also, you get:25


So, you've made it! And not a second too soon. There's much to be done in Coldridge Valley and beyond. I'm gonna need your help as much as you're gonna need mine!

You're a Knight of the Silver Hand now, be ready to play the part.


The humans have taught us a great deal about the Holy Light and how important their order is to them... and to protecting all of Azeroth. We have a great respect for how stepped in tradition it is, and how just one figure, one sacrifice, can make the difference between pain and salvation.

The two of us are gonna be working together for a bit. Any time you think you're ready, come back to me and we'll see about getting you some training. Can't have you go out into the world unprepared, now, can we?


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 100 experience (60at max. level)
  • 75 Reputation withIronforge


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