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The Power of the Light

Learn Seal of Righteousness and Judgment from Bromos Grummner. After casting Seal of Righteousness on yourself, use Judgment on one of the Training Dummies at the entrance to Anvilmar.
Use Judgement


Are ya ready to start? Wonderful! We're glad to have ya.

Before ya go back outside, I'm gonna need ya to learn the Seal of Righteousness. It will grant Holy damage to your swings, helping ya dispatch yer enemies quicker.

The other thing yer gonna want to know is that any time ya have a seal active, ya can use the light to judge yer enemies. The first judgment ya learn, judgment o' light, will give everyone attackin' yer opponent a chance to heal a little on each hit.


There, ya did it. The Light favors quick learners like you. Come back to me after you've spent some time using what I've taught ya, and I'll show ya something new.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 100 experience (60at max. level)
  • 75 Reputation withIronforge



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