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The Captured Journal

Bring the Adventurer's Journal to Professor Thaddeus Paleo at the Darkmoon Faire on Darkmoon Island.
Adventurer's Journal
Provided Item:
Adventurer's Journal


This book is covered in battered leather stained with blood and mud. Leafing through the pages, you discover that it is a personal journal of an adventurer with a high opinion of himself and his adventures.

Professor Thaddeus Paleo of the Darkmoon Faire might want to see something like this.


What is it you have there?


A remarkable find!

Some of these are hard to read, but if even a third of the contents of this journal are true, this is a real treasure. Would you trade it for a generous number of Darkmoon tickets?


Upon completion of quests, get:


Darkmoon Defender
Turn in all three battleground Darkmoon Artifacts.
Darkmoon Faire
Darkmoon Despoiler
Turn in all nine Darkmoon Artifacts.
Darkmoon Faire


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