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A Wondrous Weapon

Bring the Ornate Weapon to Professor Thaddeus Paleo at the Darkmoon Faire on Darkmoon Island.
Ornate Weapon
Provided Item:
Ornate Weapon


An inspection of the weapon reveals expert craftsmanship and intricate inlay work, but this is no ceremonial blade. Faint marks and nicks along the blade attest to its use in combat.

The Darkmoon Adventurer's Guide lists several types of rare and valuable weapons, leaving no doubt that Professor Thaddeus Paleo at the Darkmoon Faire would be interested in taking a look at this piece.


What is it you have there?


Where did you find such a wonderful blade?

This is a work of astounding craftsmanship and worthy weapon for any champion. I would love to have it for display.

Would you accept a generous number of Darkmoon Faire tickets in trade?


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