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An Exotic Egg

Bring the Monstrous Egg to Yebb Neblegear at the Darkmoon Faire on Darkmoon Island.
Monstrous Egg
Provided Item:
Monstrous Egg


You're not certain what kind of creature this egg harbors, but it sure doesn't look like the egg of any ordinary animal.

The Darkmoon Adventurer's Guide says that an intrepid adventurer might come across any number of strange eggs in his travels. It further notes that the Darkmoon Faire's Zoo Bizarre is always interested in acquiring such specimens.

Take the egg to Yebb Neblegear at the Darkmoon Faire.


What is it you have there?


Where did you find this egg? There's sure to be something monstrous and wonderful inside! It will make a great addition to our zoo. Are you willing to part with it for a generous number of Darkmoon tickets?


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