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A New Supplier of Souvenirs

Redeem the Brewfest Stein Voucher with Belbi Quikswitch in the Brewfest camp.
Brewfest Stein Voucher
Provided Item:
Brewfest Stein Voucher


The less said about last year's stein, the better, <name>. I'll tell you this, our previous supplier, they were shady. Turns out they were involved in some cultist activities...

We can't work with people who are trying to destroy the world!!

So we have a new supplier and a new stein.

Take this voucher to Belbi Quikswitch near the back of the Brewfest camp. She'll give you your free Brewfest stein. She'll also handle any and all other Brewfest transactions that come up during the holiday.


You will receive:
Overflowing Purple Brewfest Stein


What's happening hot stuff? Got something for me?


Aww, it's just a stein voucher... Maybe you're just playing hard to get. So here's this year's stein for you.

But I suspect I'll be seeing a lot more of you. After all, if you want any Brewfest tokens redeemed, I'm your girl...

Or maybe I'm his girl...

Oooohhh... or his...



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