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A New Supplier of Souvenirs

Redeem the Brewfest Stein Voucher with Blix Fixwidget in the back of the Brewfest camp.
Brewfest Stein Voucher
Provided Item:
Brewfest Stein Voucher



Don't talk to me about last year's stein...

I think our shady stein suppliers were somehow involved with that Twilight Hammer cult non-sense that errupted just before the elementals invaded.

And that's why we have a new supplier and a better stein!

Here's a voucher for one.

Talk to Blix near the back of the Brewfest camp. He's pretty strange, even more so now that he's always wearing those goggles. He'll handle the voucher for you, and any other Brewfest transaction.


You will receive:
Overflowing Purple Brewfest Stein


What's happening hot stuff? Got something for me?


What's this? A stein voucher? So you like drinking? Great! After I give you this stein, go have a few drinks! Then a few more. Maybe have a few more after that... Then, now this is important, come see me.

Look, I know you'll be back eventually. If you want your Brewfest tokens redeemed you have to see me.

Anyways, here's the stein, and remember to talk to me later.

