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1. Hero's Call: Westfall!
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Hero's Call: Westfall!

Report to Lieutenant Horatio Laine at the Jansen Stead in Westfall.


Westfall has fallen to hard times, friend. With the threat of the Defias extinguished, the region has become a haven for the homeless and downtrodden. The crime rate of the area has skyrocketed as people fight for shelter and food. Now I hear tale of murder!

If you are interested in helping the people of the Alliance, Westfall would be a great place to start. Report to Lieutenant Horatio Laine at the Jansen Stead. You'll find Westfall directly west of Elwynn Forest.


Murder, rookie. That's what you're looking at on the ground in front of us.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 400 experience (240at max. level)
  • 75 Reputation withStormwind



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