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2. Murder Was The Case That They Gave Me
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Murder Was The Case That They Gave Me

Speak to the various homeless people occupying the Jansen Stead to gather clues about the Furlbrow murders.
Clue #1 obtained
Clue #2 obtained
Clue #3 obtained
Furlbrow Murder Info 004 slain


Here's the deal, kid, we've got a full-blown murder on our hands. Double homicide... Single horse... icide.

Worse yet, we're in Westfall. I could throw a rock behind me and hit a dozen hobos with motive enough to want to wipe these people (and horse) out.

Now I don't know who did this and I sure don't appreciate having to come to this dump to investigate the deaths of a couple of squatters, but I'll be damned if I don't find the perp. You want to help? Go talk to some bums. The hobo... knows.


You can choose one of these awards:
Scene Investigator's Wrap
Crime Scene Tape
Equicide Cloak
Also, you get:4


Gnolls and murlocs? Horse poopy, pal! Gnolls and murlocs didn't kill these people. I've seen what gnolls and murlocs do to people that they kill and this... isn't it. Too pretty. Too... perfect.

Furthermore, the Furlbrow's had been squatting on this farm for 5 years. No, whoever wiped them out had a reason. This is murder, plain and simple and we're gonna get to the bottom of it...


Gnolls and murlocs? Horse poopy, pal! Gnolls and murlocs didn't kill these people. I've seen what gnolls and murlocs do to people that they kill and this... isn't it. Too pretty. Too... perfect.

Furthermore, the Furlbrow's had been squatting on this farm for 5 years. No, whoever wiped them out had a reason. This is murder, plain and simple and we're gonna get to the bottom of it...


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 900 experience (1080at max. level)
  • 250 Reputation withStormwind


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