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2. Secrets of the Tower
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Secrets of the Tower

Enter Mortwake's Tower and find Helix Gearbreaker.
Helix's Secret Revealed
Provided Item:
Potion of Shrouding


Helix has got himself holed up inside Klaven Mortwake's old tower. I won't lie to you, <name>, it's heavily guarded. I count six armed mercenaries just on the outside. There's no way you're getting inside that tower by yourself. Lucky for you, Claire and I are here.

<Kearnen pats her sniper rifle.>

I'll cover your entry.

Take this shrouding potion, you'll need it once you get inside. Use it as soon as you enter the tower and head upstairs. Find out what Helix is hiding up there!


I won't let you down, <name>.


What could possibly be going on in Moonbrook? I don't like this one bit, <name>.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 968.8 experience (4650at max. level)
  • 250 Reputation withStormwind


Rating: +2 [-] [+]
By Desmond on 2015/06/18 (Patch 4.3.4)
Jelzett hiba, hogy sokaknak nem indul el a párbeszéd hiába rajtuk van az invi buff.
Nekem úgy sikerült megcsinálni hogy oda álltam a fekete csaj mellé aki a goblinnal szemben van és ott nyomtam el a potiont amit adtak.
Rating: 0 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 2015/08/03 (Patch 4.3.4)
Köszi a tanácsot Desmond, tényleg elindította nekem is a párbeszédet, azzal amit javasoltál. Máshogy nem
Rating: 0 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 2015/11/28 (Patch 4.3.4)
Relog segített. Először nem akarta akkor sem ha odaálltam ahova javasoltad. De kész. :)


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