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1. Find Agent Kearnen
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Find Agent Kearnen

Find Agent Kearnen.


SI: 7 has been tracking Helix Gearbreaker since he entered Alliance territory two weeks ago. The letter I received from Mathias Shaw explained that he sent an agent by the name of Kearnen to Westfall to shadow Helix. Find Agent Kearnen and you'll find Helix Gearbreaker.

Kearnen came into town for supplies two days ago. She mentioned that she would be near Mortwake's Tower, southeast of here, on the Dust Plains.

Get going, <name>.


Helix is the one responsible for the gnoll attacks?

<Kearnen nods at the tower.>

He's inside. He's been there for days. I've just been waiting for an excuse to bust him.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 100 experience (480at max. level)
  • 75 Reputation withStormwind


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