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2. Feeding the Hungry and the Hopeless
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Feeding the Hungry and the Hopeless

Use the Westfall Stew to feed 20 Homeless People around Sentinel Hill in Westfall.
Westfall Homeless fed (20)
Provided Item:
Westfall Stew


Yes, I heard about the Furlbrow murders. It is very tragic, but such tragedy is a way of life in Westfall. There are many people here who simply no longer have the means or inclination to keep themselves fed. They have given up hope. Do you understand what it means to be left so hopeless as to stop caring about life? We must work together to show them that there is hope. That with the dawning day a better life comes.

Take my mother's Westfall stew and help feed the homeless around Sentinel Hill.


Have you fed the homeless?


You have a kind heart, <name>. You have done a good thing, today, and that act will reflect back upon you when judgment day comes.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 900.2 experience (33at max. level)


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